Érin Naofa - sacred ireland
Welcome to Érin Naofa, a magnificent journey with the sacred waters, faeries, philosophies, history, and mythologies of Ancient Ireland.
We venture to rural sacred sites to bring offerings of peace to the land, restoring harmony, reawakening the dormant spirits of magic and beauty that have endured resiliently through centuries of colonisation.
Our mission in this sacred quest is to bring healing to the land and ourselves through elemental rituals and re-coding the intelligence of the waters - restoring timelines while reinstating freedom to this land.
All the way through her Irish upbringing and the foundational artery of her spiritual training, Deirdre is elated to offer this invitation alongside her beloved father, Joseph, and teacher of the mysteries, Dr. Chris. As a spiralling trinity, they will guide an unforgettable journey of body, mind and spirit.